
Chomp Chomp Pencil Pouch

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4 Threadless Designs: Vote Now

Hairy Friend

Try & Think


Simple Math

Punch-Out Fan Art Gallery

Zombie Little Mac by Wayne Kubiak

Little Mac gif by Jon

Little Mac and Bald Bull by artist

Super Punch-Out Characters by Robert

Star punch by Austin

Little Mac vs. King Hippo by Dapper Dan

Little Mac by Elio

Golden State Warriors, Best Logo In The NBA

Time to jump on the bandwagon with these t-shirts

Buy here

and here

Lust In Translation and Two Other Books That Caught My Eye Today

Lust in Translation: The Rules of Infidelity from Tokyo to Tennessee
"A global survey of adultery divided into geographical regions"

Off-ramps and On-ramps: Keeping Talented Women on the Road to Success

Rethinking Thin: The New Science of Weight Loss--and the Myths and Realities of Dieting

But this is what I actually bought

Can You See What I See? Dream Machine
Walter Wick is a genius.

Phoenix Wright Papercraft, Gif, and Plush

See images of the completed Phoenix Wright papercraft here and the rest of the templates here

Plush Phoenix Wright by Holly-Bunnie

Phoenix Wright gif by chimpantalones

Irresistible Comic Book Concept: Popeye vs. Hulk

Come on, you know you want to find out what happens when these two characters get together.

Video: Quadruplets laughing

Disgusting Gadget of the Day: Nosefrida Nasal Aspirator

Nosefrida Nasal Aspirator. You put one end in you kid's nose, the other end in your mouth, and you suck.

Video: Spider-Man 3 Trailer Spoof

You might notice a few product placements.

Google Map Mash-up: Pirate Attack Locator

Visit The International Chamber of Commerce's site to learn about modern day pirate attacks, including their nifty live piracy map.

Movie Concept Of The Day: A prostitute finds herself in the possession of George W. Bush's finger.

You know, "the one that has the power to push the button that will set off a nuclear attack." Read more about this strange little movie here.

Flat Eric Gif (and video)

Found here

You don't know Flat Eric?

Cool Record Cover, Lame Band Name: 23 by Blonde Redhead


San Mateo County Sheriff Greg Munks and his undersheriff were swept up in Las Vegas prostitution sting

"I believed I was going to a legitimate business," Munks said, reading from a written statement. "It was not."

Read the rest.

Judge sues cleaners for $65 million for lost pair of pants

No, apparently the pants were not magical.

Last year, the City of Los Angeles removed more than 27 million square feet of graffiti

Read more here.

Movie Review of the Week: The Condemned is a "D-grade 'Running Man'"

Read the rest of the review here.

Doesn't sound promising, but this poster I saw at a bus stop was pretty clever:

Occasional NASA Consultants Draft Primer On How Humanity Can Defend Itself From Aliens

An Introduction to Planetary Defense: A Study of Modern Warfare Applied to Extra-Terrestrial Invasion is written by Travis Taylor and Bob Boan. In a nutshell, "You'd have to create an insurgency, a mujahideen-type resistance."

Obituary of the Day: Yeltsin was like "a retarded nephew...

"Boris Yeltsin was always good for a laugh, which is probably why on the occasion of his death people outside of Russia are not calling him words like scum and monster, but instead recalling him fondly, with a smile, as one would a retarded nephew who could always be counted on to pull his pants down at Thanksgiving dinner."

Read the rest, this first paragraph is mild.

*Buy KGB collectibles at eBay.

Jenny McCarthy Is Rosie The Riveter

On the cover of the current LA Parent.

Here's another modern interpretation of WWII-era icons: Christina Aguilera's video for Candyman

Best Concert Posters Posted At GigPosters This Week

By Manuel Moreno

By Dave Place

By PowerHouse Factories Inc.

By Joshua Norton


By Cerdo

By Ezra Pound

By Scumdog Entertainment

By Madpixel


Hard-Boiled Fortune Cookie

Found here.

Cuddly Yarn Henry Rollins

Found here

Line of the Day: Substitute teacher's in class threat to commit suicide was "out of character"

"A veteran substitute teacher reportedly pulled out a small kitchen knife Friday morning at Washington High School and expressed feelings of suicide to three students" - - Union president Dennis Kelly said the alleged "behavior appears to be 'out of character.'"

Read the rest

Wired's Gallery of the Lamest Tech Mascots

This disturbing fellow is the Creative Suite Jester, used to demonstrate the illustration capabilities of Adobe's Creative Suite 3. See the other characters here.

The A-Team To Reunite on TV To Contact Hannibal's Ghost

"The former stars of 1980s action series THE A-TEAM will reunite for a reality TV programme, in which they will attempt to contact their deceased co-star GEORGE PEPPARD. Actors Dirk Benedict, Mr T and Dwight Schultz will appear on a special edition of British paranormal show MOST HAUNTED later this year/"

Read the rest.

ABC logged 15 minutes and 38 seconds in total non-program minutes per hour in 2006

Read the rest.

NBA Player Caron Butler is addicted to chewing on straws

His wife, Andrea, told us that she is somewhat of an enabler; she'll stop off at McDonald's and pick up a handful of straws for her husband. Like, 60 straws. Daily. "And then if he goes on his own he gets some himself," she said. This, friends, is a full-fledged addiction.

Read on. His young daughter's now copying the habit.

Headline of the Day: Miss America helps cops in sex sting

You know you want to read on

Propranolol dulls memories

When humankind was young, this process offered a sociobiological evolutionary advantage: If Early Man got especially freaked out by a tiger attack, that hardwiring taught him to stay out of tiger country. However, tigers are no longer a pressing issue in Modern Man's life. Today, adrenaline more often makes Modern Man remember the events he'd most like to forget.

If a surplus of adrenaline makes us remember, it stands to reason that a deficit of adrenaline would help us forget. And this is what propranolol does. It inhibits the chemical rush that makes memories hyperconcrete. It doesn't erase memories, but it makes them more abstract and less painful.

Read the rest by Chuck Klosterman here

"[Herbert] Matthews was the first American reporter to interview Fidel Castro..,

...and the last to recognize the man as a ruthless and slightly mad totalitarian murderer."

Read the rest of "Fidel's Favorite Propagandist"

Tom Wilson Sells Foam Finger Asterisks That Say "Steroids"

Read more here and here.

North Dakota made it illegal to force people to insert microchips into their bodies.

The article explains:

Sen. Randy Christmann, R-Hazen, said he introduced the bill for a constituent knowledgeable about the subject.

Initially skeptical, Christmann found that at least one other state had taken similar action.

“Knowing how easy implantation of chips can be with livestock, it occurred to me that it is not out of the realm of possibility that someone in a position of power over someone else could coerce them into accepting a tracking device,” he explained.

Christmann cited domineering employers or abusive spouses as examples.

“I expected to get teased about this bill quite a bit but – to my surprise – I have received a lot of complimentary messages,” he said.

The law takes effect Aug. 1.

Photo: Author Will Self Covers A Wall With Ideas Written On Post-It Notes

This is from Sunday's LA Times:

I WRITE IDEAS, tropes, images, observations, snippets of dialogue, themes, factoids, descriptions on these Post-it notes and put them in relevant zones on the wall. Then I organize them into scrapbooks, then I turn them into books. Then I write more ideas, etc., on Post-it notes. And so it goes on: the auto-cannibalization of the fictive world. All creative artists fetishize their working methods — but it isn't ever nice to look at. At least I don't think so.

Will Self is the author of many novels, including "The Book of Dave," "Dorian, an Imitation" and "How the Dead Live."

Jaws/Aquaman Mash-Up

ScottRa's gallery and website

Imaginary Book: 1985 by George Orwell

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