Like Batman's, The Hangman's career as a costumed crime fighter was motivated by revenge. But he carried his "grim avenger" role much farther — not just in his motif, far more terrifying to a criminal than a mere bat, but also in his methods. One reason The Hangman struck fear into the hearts of his foes was the gallows and noose he often projected in shadow form to herald his arrival. Another was his propensity for killing them whenever that struck him as appropriate-wiki Golden Age Hangman Papercraft
The manta ray is the world's largest species of ray. Larger manta rays can reach sizes of up to 8m across. Their bodies are colored black to grayish blue on the back and white on the belly, and they glide gracefully through the sea, propelling themselves by moving their large pectoral fins up and down. They inhabit tropical and subtropical oceans around the world, feeding on plankton as they swim close to the surface. They have a docile, curious temperament, making them popular with scuba divers-Canon Manta ray Papercraft
This is the helmet used by the members of the Hazard Team from the video game Star Trek: Voyager , a group tasked with protecting Voyager as repairs are made, and investigating the cause of their entrapment. Star Trek Voyager: Hazard Team Helmet Papercraft
Spinarak is a dual-type Bug/Poison Pokémon that evolves into Ariados. A Spinarak closely resembles a spider but with only six legs. The spots on Spinarak's abdomen resemble a face. The "face" on Spinarak's abdomen is actually capable of changing its expression to suit Spinarak's mood. Pokemon: Spinarak Papercraft
Arakune is one of the characters from the HD 2D fighting game BlazBlue. Arakune is an occult being that is constantly seeking knowledge. Its body consists of a mask-like face and an amorphous black and red body, which houses innumerable insects. Currently, it lives under the streets of Kagutsuchi. Because it needs to absorb large amounts of life force to continue its existence, it frequently attacks those of the Kaka tribe and humans alike. BlazBlue: Arakune Papercraft
Noctis Lucis Caelum, nicknamed Noct, will be a playable character and the protagonist of the upcoming game Final Fantasy Versus XIII for the PS3. He is a prince, the last heir to a dynasty ruling over the last kingdom to control crystals, and from his throne, defends his kingdom from marauders and barbarians who seek to conquer the city and claim the crystals by force. Final Fantasy Versus XIII: Noctis Papercraft
Here's a quick follow-up to the Jean Grey papercraft I posted. Cyclops is a member of the X-Men and the partner of Jean. Cyclops Papercraft: Jim Lee Costume
The SPAD S.VII was the first of a series of highly successful biplanefighter aircraft produced by Société Pour L'Aviation et ses Dérivés (SPAD) during the First World War. Like its successors, the S.VII was renowned as a sturdy and rugged aircraft with good climbing and diving characteristics-wiki SPAD VII Biplane Papercraft
Litchi is a character in the video game BlazBlue. She is an oriental doctor who runs a health clinic in Kagutsuchi while she searches for a way to help Arakune revert to his formal self. BlazBlue: Litchi Faye-Ling Papercraft
The Mole Mitts are an item from The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap. They are gloves shaped like the hands of a mole, that allow Link to dig his way through loose walls or into the ground, in this respect functioning the same way as the shovel does in other games. Zelda: Mole Mitt Papercraft
The first Paper Monster series is out!!! Featuring papertoys customized by big artists like Horrorwood, Shin Tanaka, Kawaii-Style and Arana Wood! Paper Monster Series 1
Here's a pretty simple treasure chest from Dissidia: Final Fantasy, an action RPG/fighting game developed and published by Square Enix for the PlayStation Portable (PSP). Dissidia Papercraft: Treasure Chest
Rangda is important in Balinese culture, and performances depicting her struggles with Barong or with Airlangga in that tale are popular tourist attractions as well as tradition. She is depicted as a mostly nude old woman, with long and unkempt hair, pendulous breasts, and claws. Her face is traditionally a horrifying fanged and goggle-eyed mask, with a long, protruding tongue. Rangda Papercraft
Tifa Lockhart is a female protagonist in Final Fantasy VII and Cloud's childhood friend from Nibelheim. She's also a member of AVALANCHE. Final Fantasy: Tifa Lockhart Papercraft
Reimu Hakurei is one of the main characters of the Touhou video game series. As the sole maiden of the Hakurei Shrine, she is commonly called upon (or calls it upon herself) to investigate strange occurrences throughout the world. Touhou Project Papercraft: Reimu Hakurei
After receiving V2 rocket plans, plutonium, and uranium oxide snuck into Japan by German U-boat No.234, the Imperial Japanese applied their new technology to the pre-existing Cherry Blossom kamikaze plane. This new jet was to function as a human piloted atomic bomb to be deployed from bombers during the defense of Japan. Japanese Atomic Blossom Papercraft
Munchlax is a Normal-typebaby Pokémon that evolves into Snorlax. It was the first Generation IV Pokémon to be revealed to the public, in May 2004. Pokemon: Munchlax Papercraft
Servbots (Kobun) are a group of forty-one small, indestructible robots created by Tron Bonne to do her bidding. Each Servbot has an ability from cooking to cleaning to battle, and they do various chores on board the Bonne family airship. They behave like children and love and adore Tron like a mother, however strict she may be with them. Despite their small size, they can be quite powerful fighters and are vital to the Bonnes' success as pirates-wiki Megaman Legends: Servbot Papercraft
Thug Bomb papercraft was inspired by BOMB IT!, an international graffiti and street art documentary filmed on 5 continents. It explores the interplay between worldwide graffiti movements, the global proliferation of "Quality of Life" laws, and the fight for control over public space. Thug Bomb Papercraft
The Tooth Fairy is a mythical character depicted as a fairy that gives a child money or gifts in exchange for a baby tooth that has fallen out. Children typically place the tooth under their pillow at night. Tooth Fairy Lover Papercraft
The White Sword is the second most powerful sword Link can wield. It is held by an Old Man who lives in a cave above the Waterfall. Zelda: White Sword Papercraft
We just got a word from Ray Keim that he is working on the Hogwarts Castle facade from the "The Wizarding World of Harry Potter" that is about to open at Universal, Orlando. There's still no definite date as to when he'll be able to finish the model so in the mean time, be sure to check out his site for his other exceptional paper models. Harry Potter: Hogwarts Castle Papercraft WIP
Pocoyo (Pocoyó in Spanish) is a Spanish pre-school animated cartoon series created by David Cantolla, Luis Gallego and Guillermo García Carsi of Spain. It is about a young boy dressed in blue, who is full of curiosity. Viewers are encouraged to recognise situations that Pocoyo is in, and things that are going on with or around him. Each character has its own distinctive dance, and most episodes end with the characters dancing. Poyoco Papercraft
Shantotto is a non playable character from Final Fantasy XI. She is a TarutaruBlack Magefrom theFederation of Windurst and a hero of the Great Crystal War. She is famous for her iconic laugh and her habit of speaking in rhyme-FFwiki Final Fantasy XI: Shantotto Papercraft
Speedy is the name of two DC Comicssuperheroes, fictional characters that have each served as teenagedsidekicks for the Green Arrow (a.k.a. Oliver Queen). The original Speedy currently operates under the name Red Arrow-wiki Golden Age Speedy Papercraft
The Nobel Prize is an annual, international award originating in Sweden. The award was established in 1895 by the Swedish chemist and inventor of dynamiteAlfred Bernhard Nobel. It was first awarded in 1901 for achievements in Physics, Chemistry, Physiology or Medicine, Literature, and Peace. An associated prize, the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences, was instituted by Sweden's central bank in 1968 and first awarded in 1969. Although the Nobel Prize in Economics is not technically a Nobel Prize, its winners are announced with the Nobel Prize recipients and it is presented at the Nobel Prize Award Ceremony. The Nobel Prizes in the specific disciplines (physics, chemistry, physiology or medicine, and literature) and the Prize in Economics are widely regarded as the most prestigious award one can receive in those fields-wiki Nobel Prize Medal Papercraft
Paragoombas, also known as Winged Goombas, are a variety of Goomba that possess small wings protruding from either their head or torso. This version was taken from The Nintendo DS' Super Princess Peach. Super Princess Peach: Goomba & Paragoomba Papercraft
"Rubikon is a cut-out, which becomes a functioning camera (camera obscura) after putting together. In 1979 the ABC magazine published a jigsaw called Dirkon, which paraphrased the at that time very popular single-lensed reflex cameras. Rubikon, as a redesign has come back to react to the digital techno." This one was designed by Jaroslav Juřica. Rubikon 2 Pinhole Camera Papercraft via Paperforest
Exdeath, also known as X-Death or ExDeath, is the main antagonist of Final Fantasy V. According to Ghido, despite his knightly appearance, Exdeath was once, and still is to an extent, a tree from the Great Forest of Moore. Final Fantasy: Exdeath's Helmet Papercraft