
Video: Sea Otters Holding Hands

Via Boing Boing.

Chuck Klosterman Is Blogging The NCAA Final Four

Here's how his first post starts:
John Hinckley Jr. tried to kill Ronald Reagan on March 30, 1981. It was a Monday. I was informed of this by my third grade teacher (Burna Pribula) after coming inside from morning recess. "I have some news that may shock you," she told the class. "The president has been shot." The room remained silent. We stared at her like tiny, Smurf-obsessed zombies. "This is a terrible situation," Mrs. Pribula continued, "and I realize you might have some questions about this. Does anyone have any questions about this? Anyone?"
We sat in silence.
After 10 seconds, I slowly raised my hand.
"Is the basketball game canceled?"

Video: Kermit Sings Hurt

Get Something Signed By Minnesota Twin Pat Neshek

He'll sign whatever you want if you send him a SASE, and also has his own blog.

83 Stories To Look For In The Upcoming Major League Baseball Season

ESPN provides a handy list if you haven't been paying attention up til now.

Calvin Showing His Lawyering Skills

Found here.

Werewolf Women of the SS

The fake trailers that will be shown between the two Grindhouse features sound fantastic. "Werewolf Women of the SS" was directed by Rob Zombie. You can see a few stills here.

Why Is There A Hexagon Above Saturn's North Pole?

No one knows. But come up with the best theory and it could be named after you.

Ryu and Chun Li Dance Fight

Via Kotaku.

Adidas Impossible Is Nothing Campaign

Alternate Iron Council Cover

This photo would make a good cover for China Mieville's Iron Council.

Toy Lab's Recycled Toys

"Happen's Toy Lab is a unique outreach of Happen, Inc. that allows children (ages 6 and up) to create their own toys from our massive selection of “recycled” toy parts. Choose any seven pieces, then fit and attach the parts with the help of our specially-trained assemblers. In less than an hour you will have invented your very own, one-of-a-kind-in-the-whole-wide-world toy!"
Via Veer Blog.

Super Mario In Legos

More creepy Nintendo creations here.

Moses on Dinosaur

See more here.

Stitch Paper Model

See more photos and download instructions here.

Roulette Baggage Conveyor Belt

This would make waiting for bags a bit more fun.

Cartoony Alien Queen Sketch

Found at Chris Battle's Site.

Harley Davidson Ad Displays Shockingly Bad Taste

Found here.

Todd McFarlane Bo Jackson Statuette

Part of the new NFL Legends set available in August 2007.

Countdown to Darkseid Teaser Poster

Found here. Learn more here.

Emerald City Comic Con

Read an interview with artist Michael Golden here. Artist site.

Go to the convention site for some more great stuff including Star Wars photos like this:

Excellent Cheap Posters

Here's a $20 Christmas-themed poster. Buy it and many others here. Via Coudal Partners.

God of War 2 Concept Art Gallery

See more here. Andy Park's site and blog.

Legend of Zelda Kitten

More here. Via Kotaku.

Headline of the Day: Heat could affect cross-country race, says Bekele

The article has even more helpful news - - competitor Lornah Kiplagat adds,
"We shall not only be bracing against the athletes, but the weather, too. It would depend on how well an athlete handles the weather."

Video: Criss Angel Tears A Woman Apart In Broad Daylight


Via the excellent Vegas Blog.

Creepy or Romantic?

Entertainer Jack Benny's will specified that one red rose be delivered to his wife every day until her death.

Also, fun: Benny's widow claimed his signature gesture of holding one hand to his face came about from his attempts to conceal scratches she gave him due to his philandering.

Here's the two love birds:

Explain This Lawsuit To Your Child

A Long Island woman and her husband are suing a Park Ave. fertility clinic for allegedly inseminating her with the wrong man's sperm.
"While we love Baby Jessica as our own, we are reminded of this terrible mistake each and every time we look at her," the Commack couple said in documents filed in Manhattan Supreme Court. "It is simply impossible to ignore."
Thomas Andrews is white and his wife is Dominican. But Jessica, who was born Oct. 19, 2004, has darker skin than either of them as well as "characteristics more typical of African or African-American descent," the lawsuit states.

Via the NY Daily News.

Time For A Photoshop Contest?

CIA witness in terrorism trial may testify in disguise.

German Judge Denies Speedy Divorce Request, Said Koran Authorized Husband To Beat Wife

"In a ruling that underlines the tension between Muslim customs and European laws, the judge, Christa Datz-Winter, noted that the couple came from a Moroccan cultural milieu, in which it is common for husbands to beat their wives. The Koran, she wrote in her decision, sanctions such physical abuse."

Via the NY Times.

Death Penalty Prosecution Might Cost A Georgia County Over $5 Million

"Sparks fly over the multimillion-dollar defense of Brian Nichols, but few people complain about the cost of prosecuting the accused courthouse killer.
In fact, no one even knows the bottom line."

Read on.

Like Getting Hit By A Meteorite Made Entirely Of Winning Lottery Tickets

That's how screenwriter Jonah Nolan describes working with Steven Spielberg on a potential science fiction epic titled "Interstellar" for Paramount Pictures.

A Great First Paragraph

Some excellent writing courtesy of Dr. Jerome Groopman:

On a spring afternoon several years ago, Evan McKinley was hiking in the woods near Halifax, Nova Scotia, when he felt a sharp pain in his chest. McKinley (a pseudonym) was a forest ranger in his early forties, trim and extremely fit. He had felt discomfort in his chest for several days, but this was more severe: it hurt each time he took a breath. McKinley slowly made his way through the woods to a shed that housed his office, where he sat and waited for the pain to pass. He frequently carried heavy packs on his back and was used to muscle aches, but this pain felt different. He decided to see a doctor.

Read on to learn about why doctors misdiagnose their patients.
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