Photo of tiger and boy via these sites. Source unknown.
Update: Thanks to the tipster, here's the tiger, available as a print. That's a major complaint I have about sites like Digg, Reddit, and Found - - users frequently show no respect at all for intellectual property holders and often craft links in such a way that you can't figure out where the images originated.
And a few more links:
1. An officer handcuffed a nurse and put her in a squad car because he was dissatisfied with the speed the hospital was moving to draw a suspected drunk driver's blood. There's video of the incident at the link (which I haven't watched). Via.
2. Funny anecdote about apparent senator to be Paul Kirk.
3. T-Rex with a Tommy Gun.
*Previously: Excuse me, is that a T-Rex in your pocket?
*Buy handcuffs at Amazon.
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