Cookie Monster meets Chewbacca, and design for the Dyson Spunnel, which hurls food into your mouth. Both by Lunchbreath. See also: Rejected Chicago Olympics mascot, Jon Stewart with Mike Tyson's face tattoo, and Joe Biden as Darth Maul. Via these fine sites.
And a few more links:
1. Kotaku received a fairly disgusting care package to promote the game Ju-on, which didn't change the fact that their review included the line, "I'm disappointed that I couldn't find even one thing to love about this game."
2. Advice from Blogger on keeping your blog secure.
3. Go here to download papercraft Jack Skellington and his coffin sleigh. Via.
*Previously: Mickey Mouse as Jack Skellington toy.
*Buy A Nightmare Before Christmas toys at eBay.
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