Cucos Minis coming in October from Kidrobot.

Kang & Kodos, coming in October from Kidrobot.

Soul of Chogokin Big-O photo gallery.

Dehara and David Have Mono.
Bioshock Big Daddy available for preorder for $20 at Entertainment Earth.

Tenacious Toys has a bunch of new toys available for order and preoder including new opened Dunnys, Lilo as Stitch, and Gas Mask Mouse.

Relphe/Helper figure with removable helmet by Tim Biskup and Gargamel, to be available for $80.
And not quite a toy, but,

James Jean mints are on sale at Giant Robot. (I picked up one of each. Brown is chocolate mint, red is cinnamon, blue is peppermint.)
*Previously: Horse gas masks.
*Buy Soul of Chogokin toys at eBay.
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