

Pirate Links

Happy Talk Like a Pirate Day. Here are the pirate links I've amassed over the last year:

World of Warcraft Pirates' Day.

Pirate party hang tag and personalized cards on sale at Etsy.

Download Tales of Monkey Island for free (today only).

Pirate cupcakes.

Lego pirate
by polywen.

"Arr, Let O' Me Nuts" by Philip Tseng.

Cartoony Jack Sparrow by Jeca Esporro.

Tiny felt pirate by Yali Paz-Gilboa on sale at Etsy.

Cyborg Pirate Lego Minifig by Victor Vitale.

A pirate defeated by a ninja spotted in the 2amToys Etsy shop.

Steampunk pirate attack by Jakob Eirich.

Penultimate pirate found here.

To err is human, to arrrr is pirate.

The Pirates! In an Adventure with Scientists

826 Valencia Pirate Goods.

Plush Pirate by Leeanna Butcher on sale at Etsy.

Updated East Carolina University logo.

*Previously: My 2008 pirate day link roundup.

*Buy pirate toys at eBay.


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